Windows problem reporting is a service that causes your computer to continually report errors. The service can cause your computer to use excessive CPU and disk resources. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to stop it and fix your computer as soon as possible. The Survey Shows, The most common error the Users faced that is ps4 ce-32809-2 here is easy Solution to fix the Error.
The first step is to check your main disk for errors. Update any missing drivers and scan for malware. Once you’ve done this, restart the service to see if the problem is fixed. If not, you can also run an antimalware scan to identify the cause of the problem.
Disable startup applications
If you want to prevent Windows from reporting every error, you must disable the Windows problem reporting service. You can disable this service by changing the service settings in the registry. To do this, open Control Panel and search for the “Security and Maintenance” icon. Select “Report problems” from the list and click Disable.
Alternatively, you can open the Task Manager to disable startup applications. By doing this, you will be able to see which programs are running in the system and which are not. This will help you decide whether to remove certain programs from the system startup.
Check for interfering programs
If you are experiencing constant crashes and errors on your computer, you may be dealing with a third-party program or incompatible files. To fix this, you should first run the built-in System File Checker (SFC), which is found on the Start menu. Make sure to run it as an administrator if needed.
Disable error reporting service
Windows Error Reporting service (WER) is a system service that helps users report errors and generates error logs for diagnostic services. Disabling WER will stop it from transmitting error reports to third-party service providers and displaying their results, both of which may be sensitive information.
To disable WER, you need to first go into the Windows registry and find out which version of Windows you have. You can open the registry by pressing Windows key + R. Go to the Security and Maintenance tab and look for the key labelled “Enabled”. If you find this key, uncheck it.
Resolve high CPU and disk usage issues
If you are experiencing high CPU and disk usage issues, Windows Error Reporting may be the culprit. Here are a few ways to fix this problem. First, you should scan your main disk for errors. If the problem continues, try restarting the service or updating any outdated drivers. You can also run a thorough antimalware scan to remove any malicious software.
Another solution is to disable the Service Host service. This service is responsible for delivering Windows updates. It uses delivery optimization to speed up the process. It can cause High CPU usage, so you can disable it. Alternatively, you can restart your computer in a clean boot state.
Disabling Windows error reporting is important because it helps Microsoft develop patches and service packs for Windows. The process for disabling it varies depending on your operating system. If you disable Windows error reporting, you can later enable it again if you want to. The next time you encounter a problem, try checking for solutions for your error reports. However, if you are not sure which solution to choose, you can try disabling error reporting first.
If you choose to enable Windows error reporting, Microsoft will gather information about your computer’s configuration and the software you used when the problem occurred. Although Windows Error Reporting does not capture personal information, it may collect information about your Internet Protocol (IP) address and other information from files that you open. However, Microsoft does not use this information to identify you.
Alternatively, you can disable the Windows Error Reporting Service and set it to Automatic instead. However, it is recommended that you disable the Windows Error Reporting Service if you don’t want it to affect your PC’s performance. The reporting service will send error reports to Microsoft when an error occurs, and in some cases, fix the issue in an update.
Grouping problem reports
Windows 10 offers an option for grouping problem reports, so that you can review them in one place. You can find this option in the Settings application, under the Privacy tab. You can also group reports by source or date or status. Clicking on a problem report will display the most recent reports in the group. If you are unable to locate a specific report, you can sort the list by the column headers and click OK.
The Feedback Hub is another way to report problems with Windows 10. You can also provide ideas for new features and suggest improvements by reporting issues on this website. When reporting problems on this platform, it is important to be detailed and include recordings or files if possible. However, if you can’t reproduce a problem, you can report a general problem and Microsoft will respond to your feedback in a timely manner.